Monday, April 2, 2007

Faith: The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

In "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy" so far from what I have read there are very small bits and pieces of faith in it. There was one part where the people in the bar asked before the earth was destroyed if hideing under tables and putting boxes over their heads would help. In a sense thats faith because we all know if the planet was goning to blow up noting would really protect you. The people at the bar were doing that to calm themselves and hope for some divine intervention to take place, but it seems that did not happen. Also the actual Hitchhikers Guide seems to play a role but it seems like you have to have faith in the book and hope that it is not wrong which in the vaccume of space doing something wrong could end up getting you killed or thrown off a space ship and sufficateing from the lack of oxygen.

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